I have a problem with a bizhub C364e. It never gave any problems, error C-D010 happened in a few minutes. Here's what happened: I switched off and unplugged. Before that, the printer worked. As soon as I reattached, error C-D010 came out.
Currently it has the GDH-M1 version, I already have:
- Done clear all + format logic + trouble reset.
- Replaced HDD + clear all + logical formatting + trouble reset.
- Firmware rewriting.
The only way to avoid the problem is to disable the HDD. Any appointments?
thanks a lot
I have a problem with a bizhub C364e. It never gave any problems, error C-D010 happened in a few minutes. Here's what happened: I switched off and unplugged. Before that, the printer worked. As soon as I reattached, error C-D010 came out.
Currently it has the GDH-M1 version, I already have:
- Done clear all + format logic + trouble reset.
- Replaced HDD + clear all + logical formatting + trouble reset.
- Firmware rewriting.
The only way to avoid the problem is to disable the HDD. Any appointments?
thanks a lot