C458 scanning issue ??

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  • copyman
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    C458 scanning issue ??

    I just delivered an off lease Biz C458 to a long time customer. They have several other "4" series and "8" series in office.

    Their IT team has never had issues setting up SMB scanning until now with this C458. Only thing they text me was "can't find specified folder, yet the folder does exist and typed same way as all the other copiers in office". They also compared settings to another "8" series and are same.

    Wanted to get a little info before calling back. I'm not that well versed in IT stuff. Just an old school tech nearing retirement

    Thanks in advance for any help / ideas.
  • tsbservice
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    Re: C458 scanning issue ??

    Ask them for actual network error code should be in details when you select failed transmission in Job log.
    Also confirm firmware version in C458. Let us know.
    A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
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    • Woxner
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      Re: C458 scanning issue ??

      if this is a used mach always start with a network clear in service mode. if they have same folders on other machines just transfer with flash drive. server connection can also mean password error. i get alot of this if network is not reset.


      • tsbservice
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        Re: C458 scanning issue ??

        Originally posted by Woxner
        if this is a used mach always start with a network clear in service mode. if they have same folders on other machines just transfer with flash drive. server connection can also mean password error. i get alot of this if network is not reset.
        I like that idea we don't do used machines normally but when few comes I tend to Initialize all, maybe network reset is enough.
        A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
        Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.


        • copyman
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          Re: C458 scanning issue ??


          Thanks for replies so far. I had my other IT guy look at it and he said same thing he has no idea what is going on. They both said the web interface page looks different from the other 8 series, usually looks like the 4 series. See attached??

          Could it be some security setting, etc is turned on?

          Going there tomorrow and will initialize machine and install latest FW. I usually do this but saw the address book was empty so thought it had been done already. Now that i think of it the off lease machines I get from this company usually have the message that movie data is missing, this machine did not so they must of not wiped HDD. My bad!
          Attached Files


          • tsbservice
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            Re: C458 scanning issue ??

            Originally posted by copyman

            Thanks for replies so far. I had my other IT guy look at it and he said same thing he has no idea what is going on. They both said the web interface page looks different from the other 8 series, usually looks like the 4 series. See attached??
            4 series web page different than 8 series it's normal - IT4 machine versus IT5 machine .
            Does your IT guys have remote panel? Normally I setup it up when configuring machine where customer can give you Team Viewer or such to PC in their network.
            A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
            Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.


            • copyman
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              Re: C458 scanning issue ??

              Yes they setup most of my machines remotely.

              They said all their 4 & 8 series web interface pages look same. Attached is pic of a C558 in their office, web page looks same as "4" series. This is first time seeing this web page? Not doubting there are different pages for new machines just mentioning it as might help with the scan issue.
              Attached Files


              • tsbservice
                Field tech

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                Re: C458 scanning issue ??

                Originally posted by copyman
                Yes they setup most of my machines remotely.

                They said all their 4 & 8 series web interface pages look same. Attached is pic of a C558 in their office, web page looks same as "4" series. This is first time seeing this web page? Not doubting there are different pages for new machines just mentioning it as might help with the scan issue.
                This Screenshot is for 4 series webpage not same as 8 series.
                Seeng you not wiped machine and installed latest firmware, maybe good start?
                A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
                Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.


                • copyman
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                  Re: C458 scanning issue ??

                  Originally posted by tsbservice
                  This Screenshot is for 4 series webpage not same as 8 series.
                  Seeng you not wiped machine and installed latest firmware, maybe good start?
                  The 2 pics in previous post were from a C558 & C458. I just looked again and the C558 looks like the 4 series web page so there must be a new version or something?

                  I had their IT person initialize everything except server settings. Still couldn't get scan to work. Attached is the failed screen.

                  Didn't have them initialize server settings because last time I did that to a machine I had a lot of issues. Should server settings be initialized as well? I will do it tomorrow if it should be done. As well as update F/W.

                  Will formatting HDD help at all with this scan issues?

                  Thanks again
                  Attached Files


                  • Gift
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                    Re: C458 scanning issue ??

                    Well it says just "no specified folder" - perhaps the server / path config is not valid for this destination. Even if they claim it's the same - did they show a you a screenshot of what's been entered?

                    Plan b might be USB export / import witht he data from a "working" Cxx8/4e


                    • copier tech
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                      Re: C458 scanning issue ??

                      Originally posted by copyman
                      I just delivered an off lease Biz C458 to a long time customer. They have several other "4" series and "8" series in office.

                      Their IT team has never had issues setting up SMB scanning until now with this C458. Only thing they text me was "can't find specified folder, yet the folder does exist and typed same way as all the other copiers in office". They also compared settings to another "8" series and are same.

                      Wanted to get a little info before calling back. I'm not that well versed in IT stuff. Just an old school tech nearing retirement

                      Thanks in advance for any help / ideas.

                      Update the firmware & set the function version to 4.2 & start from there.

                      I bet you'll find this is all that is needed.

                      Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!

                      For all your firmware & service manual needs please visit us at:

                      www.copierfirmware.co.uk - www.printerfirmware.co.uk


                      • copyman
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                        Re: C458 scanning issue ??

                        Originally posted by copier tech
                        Update the firmware & set the function version to 4.2 & start from there.

                        I bet you'll find this is all that is needed.

                        Hi, Will try that first. Hope you are are right and will be that easy

                        Thank you!


                        • emujo2
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                          Re: C458 scanning issue ??

                          No specified folder indicates that the username/password combo you are using has access to the network, but that same name/password does not have the correct permissions to see the folder..My suggestion...Log out of a PC and log back in with the same credentials you are using on the MFP..Attempt to navigate to the folder using\\host\folder\folder\ect..If you can access the folder then write and delete some basic files to it. You did not mention what OS you are trying to scan back to..If this works then there may be a default setting on the C458 that has been turned off or possibly turned on,,DFS comes to mind..E


                          • KMFLT3CH
                            Trusted Tech

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                            Re: C458 scanning issue ??

                            Originally posted by tsbservice
                            This Screenshot is for 4 series webpage not same as 8 series.
                            Seeng you not wiped machine and installed latest firmware, maybe good start?
                            nah the screenshot is an 8 series still running very old firmware. the pagescope layout changes to the black/grey scheme after a certain function version, hence the newly delivered machine that OP posted about is running newer firmware than the other 8 series already on site.

                            OP, make sure base firmware is up to date, version G00-X4 should be new enough considering their other machines are still on much older firmware. double check the function version, should be switch 25 / HEX B0 (zero)

                            lastly, usb export the network settings of a working 8 series already on site and import it into their newer machine, give the machine an IP address, then try scanning.


                            • strider5555

                              Site Contributor
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                              Re: C458 scanning issue ??

                              Originally posted by tsbservice
                              This Screenshot is for 4 series webpage not same as 8 series.
                              Seeng you not wiped machine and installed latest firmware, maybe good start?
                              Agree with this. Do a firmware update, and then a data clear and transfer settings from other machine with USB export

