DI 450 Jams

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  • poz31

    50+ Posts
    • Aug 2006
    • 86


    DI 450 Jams

    But still there is the jamming at the exit (no finisher)
    Any help???
  • minimerlin
    Senior Tech

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    500+ Posts
    • Nov 2007
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    Is it jamming every time? I would look at the exit sensor, it is above the top exit guide plate. The actuator can stick and be slow to operate, also the sensor can pop out of position. Are the fixer claws for the top fuser black or brown? The brown ones can cause jams. Also the web needs to be working correctly. My bet tho would be the exit sensor!
    Please do not PM me without asking first.


    • poz31

      50+ Posts
      • Aug 2006
      • 86

      di 450 jams

      I replaced the sensor.... for the guide plate..... but I still paper jams whne papaer exits out face down (sets--sort)...... NA d yes It does jam every tiem face sort or not sort..
      thankzz for the response


      • fixthecopier

        2,500+ Posts
        • Apr 2008
        • 4714

        I have had issues with the door not being closed the right amount, or the gate not being in the correct position. If that gate at the top of the exit door is not moving correctly the paper will stop.
        The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


        • Hansoon
          Field Supervisor

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          • Sep 2007
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          If jamming only when copying face down its the sensor under the yellow cover.
          Besides of this, the large spring clutch of the fuser drive unit in the machine can cause this (just beside the stepper motor) . Remove any grease and retighten the clutch arbor firmly.

          " Sent from my Intel 80286 using MS-DOS 2.0 "


          • Karelkat
            • Jul 2010
            • 18

            Originally posted by poz31
            I’m working on a Minolta DI 450… Jamming at exit… Replaced exit guide plate the exit door and transport unit….
            At first I assumed it was the exit guide plate.. Replaced new with new one. But still jams…paper is not wrinkles and it stops right at the exit….. The paper stops at the exit either if I’m using sort or not (face up or down)……

            Checked counters and some indicated the transport unit… replaced the whole transport
            But still there is the jamming at the exit (no finisher)
            Any help???
            If the sensor and guid plat did not solf problem.
            Check fuser drive. there is a gear with a spring on it. spring some times start slips.


            • Cantechman
              Trusted Tech

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              • Nov 2008
              • 226

              Are the sheets actually coming out face down? I had an issue one time where the turnover guide was cracked and instead of going into the turnover section it was coming straight out throwing off the timing causing jams everytime.

