Went out to move a machine to another part of the building. Plugged it in, set it up on the network, printed a test sheet, everything seemed fine. Turned it off and back on just to make sure new energy saver settings took and I got a f245 code. Usually this is a corrupted print job, so I unplugged the cat5 cable, unplugged machine for a minute, and replugged. Still getting error. After some playing with it, I was able to trick it by entering the service mode really fast as it was starting up. Then I left service mode by 01 and it worked. I copied, I printed, so everything is working. Turned it back off and same code. Machine has latest firmware but it seems to have a corrupted start up sequence, so was wondering if anyone has seen this before. I'm thinking of going back with a main board from a parts machine and firmware to update that one in case it was never done and trying that. Any other ideas?
Kyocera 6525 F245 error
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
I'm going to check to make sure I have latest firmware update, I carry them all around on thumbdrives for the machines I service but they are getting to be a couple years old and I didn't have it with me anyway although I know it was done within the last couple years. Hopefully that fixes it, I checked and the parts machine was a 255 so it's a different board. This was a New Years day holiday move around that was supposed to be simple, so I was caught unprepared for what I thought would be a 30 minute call. 2021 better not be as bad as '20 sheesh. I suppose it could have been worse, if it hadn't stormed last night I would have had a hangover on top of it all.Comment
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
I'm going to check to make sure I have latest firmware update, I carry them all around on thumbdrives for the machines I service but they are getting to be a couple years old and I didn't have it with me anyway although I know it was done within the last couple years. Hopefully that fixes it, I checked and the parts machine was a 255 so it's a different board. This was a New Years day holiday move around that was supposed to be simple, so I was caught unprepared for what I thought would be a 30 minute call. 2021 better not be as bad as '20 sheesh. I suppose it could have been worse, if it hadn't stormed last night I would have had a hangover on top of it all.
Baton Rouge, huh? I'm right down the road from you. Every time I come to Baton Rouge I get stuck in traffic on that damn bridge.
Who Dat??!! You'll probably be the only one who knows what I'm talking about. lolAdversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.Comment
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
You two and a billion football fans.Comment
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
Went out to move a machine to another part of the building. Plugged it in, set it up on the network, printed a test sheet, everything seemed fine. Turned it off and back on just to make sure new energy saver settings took and I got a f245 code. Usually this is a corrupted print job, so I unplugged the cat5 cable, unplugged machine for a minute, and replugged. Still getting error. After some playing with it, I was able to trick it by entering the service mode really fast as it was starting up. Then I left service mode by 01 and it worked. I copied, I printed, so everything is working. Turned it back off and same code. Machine has latest firmware but it seems to have a corrupted start up sequence, so was wondering if anyone has seen this before. I'm thinking of going back with a main board from a parts machine and firmware to update that one in case it was never done and trying that. Any other ideas?
I would try to Re-flash the firmware but this time delete the SKIP file this will then rewrite all duplicate Firmware Levels as you may have corrupted firmware.
Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!
For all your firmware & service manual needs please visit us at:
www.copierfirmware.co.uk - www.printerfirmware.co.uk
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
I leant this form a colleague, he ordered a new controller board for this exact fault, he told me he updated the firmware but I wanted to confirm this myself so deleted the skip file, rebooted, machine came to ready & spat out all the customers print jobs AND some important faxes, I was a hero in their eyes!
Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!
For all your firmware & service manual needs please visit us at:
www.copierfirmware.co.uk - www.printerfirmware.co.uk
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
Oh, I agree, Like I said above this was a New years day move a machine around kinda thing while everyone else is closed, so I wasn't prepared for a problem with a working machine. I've had turbo screw me in the past on other models, I think it was a 4050 that I changed out an entire keyboard assy. and it didn't match up so it gave an error, I had to reflash with full package and after that I make sure they're all full. I just didn't have it with me that day being it was a holiday to see if that was the fix.Comment
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
Oh, I agree, Like I said above this was a New years day move a machine around kinda thing while everyone else is closed, so I wasn't prepared for a problem with a working machine. I've had turbo screw me in the past on other models, I think it was a 4050 that I changed out an entire keyboard assy. and it didn't match up so it gave an error, I had to reflash with full package and after that I make sure they're all full. I just didn't have it with me that day being it was a holiday to see if that was the fix.Comment
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
Our techs want to swap in boards then walk away. When it doesn't work I get the inevitable question: "Why do I have to do firmware? I just swapped a board?"
"Because its extremely unlikely that the board you installed is at a compatible level of firmware." ... until the next time. =^..^=If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.
blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=Comment
Re: Kyocera 6525 F245 error
Our techs want to swap in boards then walk away. When it doesn't work I get the inevitable question: "Why do I have to do firmware? I just swapped a board?"
"Because its extremely unlikely that the board you installed is at a compatible level of firmware." ... until the next time. =^..^=A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.Comment