Riso GR3750 Help Needed - Repost

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  • neofrank
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2007
    • 5

    Riso GR3750 Help Needed - Repost

    Since the threads were lost I am reposting this, I got a email saying there was a reply, but I was unable to read it, so basically any information would be greatly appreciated.

    I run a copyshop, i.e. copy machines, so I am wholly unfamiliar with digital duplicators, we acquired a "unknown" machine that was a Riso GR3750. I think it was probably in storage for several years. And I am trying to figure out if it is worth it to have it serviced or not. (was hoping to get it running, even if it still needed some work)

    Basically my problem is when I power on I get a "Check Paper Feed Area" message. I figured something was blocking a sensor, but I checked the paper feed path, and nothing. I also pulled off the back and where a few other sensors (as best I could tell) were located to make sure no cables had gotten loose when moving the machine.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, I dont know if there is a way to get a more specific error about what is being tripped, or if the lights on the pcb in the back actually tell me anything important?

  • Baphomet
    Copier Technician

    250+ Posts
    • Aug 2008
    • 293

    I'm the dude that answered you. Looks like the post vaporized. Anyway, from what you are describing either the upper or lower limit switch for the paper elevator is stuck. First remove any paper from the elevator and then press the reset button and see if the message goes away. If it does, then put paper on the tray and run a test copy and see if the elevator rises to the feed position.

    If the code does not go away then one of those swtiches is stuck. That's my best guess. Probably the upper one. The switch is just under the disposal unit. See ya ...


    • neofrank
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2007
      • 5

      I have basically done this, without success. Let me just clarify a few things. The 'reset button' is the button to lower the paper tray correct?

      Also the switches that I am looking for, the upper one appears to be a metal bar, that when pushed on clicks, and is the lower limit switch just an optical sensor? or am I missing it?



      • Baphomet
        Copier Technician

        250+ Posts
        • Aug 2008
        • 293

        Naw, the lower limit switch is in the diagram below. The paper tray is in the upside down position in the picture.

        And no, the reset button is on the control panel and says 'ALL RESET'.


        • neofrank
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2007
          • 5

          OK, That makes a lot of sense now. The diagram really helps Well 'All Reset' Does nothing, I can pull the panel on the upper limit switch and they "Appear" and sound to be functioning.

          The lower switch on the other hand, I cannot hear it click at all, but I also cannot get to it to see it easily either.

          So I will try and take some panels off and see if I can get to it, and see if its disconnected/not working. I really appreciate the help, and any tips on getting to this lower safety switch would be helpful.


          • Baphomet
            Copier Technician

            250+ Posts
            • Aug 2008
            • 293

            Download the attached instructions for removing the paper tray and you will be able to get to the switch a lot easier. The instructions tell you to raise the elevator about a third of the way up. Since you can not do that, then rotate the worm gear on the elevator motor by hand until the tray raises high enough. The attached instructions will help.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Baphomet; 01-31-2009, 04:50 AM.


            • vijaysharma

              50+ Posts
              • Sep 2008
              • 61

              there are three safety switchs in paper feed area one of them is shown by Baphomet in digram.
              If one of them is not working properley then machine display CHECK PAPER FEED AREA


              • neofrank
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2007
                • 5

                Thanks Baphomet for all the helpful info, I have had about zero time to deal with the machine until today, in the attached document it refers me to "Select Test mode No. 102" Can anyone shed some light on accessing this so I can get the tray to raise up to access the switch on the underside of the feed tray?


