Not so funny joke of the day.

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  • jonezy999
    just one copy??

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    Not so funny joke of the day.

    You know the type of joke you hear routinely from customers like, "I have a hammer if you want to borrow it" or "that machine would make a good fishing drop" or "I hope you can get that back together."

    I get this shit all day long, add your own favorite.
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. ~Thomas Edison
  • Zeldaman
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    • mjarbar

      Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

      Your here so often we were thinking of giving you...

      ...Your own parking space
      ...Your own mug
      ...Your own desk.

      Change as required!

      And especally funny as my last visit was over six months ago!


      • mrwho
        Major Asshole!

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        Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

        If the machine keeps doing it, I'm placing it outside for you guys to pick it up.
        ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

        'You will always find some Eskimo ready to instruct the Congolese on how to cope with heat waves.'


        I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


        • daveyball
          Trusted Tech

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          Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

          You might as well come to the STAFF Xmas party.


          • blackcat4866
            Master Of The Obvious

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            Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

            Originally posted by daveyball
            You might as well come to the STAFF Xmas party.
            In actuality I've attended at least 6 staff Xmas parties each year, but I like to think it's because of our close personal relationship, not a defect in a piece of office equipment. =^..^=
            If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
            1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
            2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
            3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
            4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
            5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

            blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


            • fixthecopier
              ALIEN OVERLORD

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              Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

              All units of the military have a set of chain of command photo's on the wall starting with the prez and ending with that companies First Sargent. I used to beat them to the punch by pulling out an copy of a picture of me and offer to let them add me to the chain of command. A couple of the did, til a high ranking officer came in and ask "Who the hell is that?"
              The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


              • vincent64
                Trusted Tech

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                Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

                I, too have heard a few of them, like..."what you hear again?" oh no not again....well I came up with the best answer back, I told one, yes mam,and this time I brought my toothbrush...never heard anything else from them about it.


                • daveyball
                  Trusted Tech

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                  Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

                  Originally posted by blackcat4866
                  In actuality I've attended at least 6 staff Xmas parties each year, but I like to think it's because of our close personal relationship, not a defect in a piece of office equipment. =^..^=

                  Same here, but some of the invites have been sarcastic comments, no where near Xmas


                  • blackcat4866
                    Master Of The Obvious

                    Site Contributor
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                    Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

                    In my opinion, the best answer for these quips is none at all. I always smile brightly, and look them right in the face but say nothing. Sometimes they think that I didn't hear so they repeat their witticism. On the second or third repetition it starts to sound even more stupid than it was the first time and they slink away. =^..^=
                    If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
                    1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
                    2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
                    3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
                    4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
                    5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

                    blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


                    • gwaddle
                      Senior Tech

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                      Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

                      Originally posted by blackcat4866
                      In my opinion, the best answer for these quips is none at all. I always smile brightly, and look them right in the face but say nothing. Sometimes they think that I didn't hear so they repeat their witticism. On the second or third repetition it starts to sound even more stupid than it was the first time and they slink away. =^..^=
                      I do the same except without the smile. Just can't do it any more.
                      I know I should be ashamed of myself. Strangely though, I am not.


                      • emujo
                        Field Supervisor

                        2,500+ Posts
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                        Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

                        "must be a big problem, you brought the book with you"
                        "can I just make 1 copy, and then you can continue"
                        "are you going to fix it right this time"

                        But I can usually get them off my back with "it should be OK, I read the manual this morning"

                        If you don't see your question answered in the forum, please don't think it's OK to PM me for a personal reply...I do not give out firmware and/or manuals.


                        • kyrenecopy
                          Trusted Tech

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                          Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

                          Of course a sarcastic, snarky come back is always best. When they say I should get an office there I always come back with great, I want a corner office with windows, my own desk and a big paycheck. Where is HR located?
                          Testing 1-2-3, testing, testing. Is this thing on?


                          • kingarthur
                            Service Manager

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                            Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

                            The usual one, when you have a m/c in pieces...." it working?"....i normally reply, "yes it's working perfectly, but as i was bored, i decided to come & take your m/c apart...."......or they say.."oh...dont suppose i can use it at the moment?" which the reply is..."hold on....if you hold that wire & i hold this one...i'll just plug it in & then you might be able to.....".....the look on their face everytime is priceless
                            Tip for the day; Treat every problem as your dog would.....If you cant eat it or f*ck it....then p*ss on it & walk away...


                            • brewster67
                              Trusted Tech

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                              Re: Not so funny joke of the day.

                              The one I hear is "This machine has a lot of problems, did we get a lemon?". And they have a 4 year old machine with most of the problems being end user induced.

