OK, this is a weird one. Vertical bands of all colors on every color print, no problem on black & white prints.
I've isolated the problem to the print head by blocking the cyan window and the cyan bands disappeared. I changed the print head and it did nothing. I changed the MFP board and the problem became intermittent, and more regularly spaced when they do appear. I'm thinking it's a problem with the ribbon cable to the print head, since I reseated it when I changed the board, but my manager thinks that shouldn't be possible.
I've isolated the problem to the print head by blocking the cyan window and the cyan bands disappeared. I changed the print head and it did nothing. I changed the MFP board and the problem became intermittent, and more regularly spaced when they do appear. I'm thinking it's a problem with the ribbon cable to the print head, since I reseated it when I changed the board, but my manager thinks that shouldn't be possible.