I've had 2 calls lately where the ADF tray was reading the incorrect size paper.
When I took apart the tray, there's a electrical grid, so to speak, that's comprised of electrical traces on a circuit board. A series of copper fingers slide along the grid to determine the width of the paper and these electrical signals are fed back to the main pwb of the doc. feeder.
I was gonna put conductive grease on the traces but they are much too close to one another and it would short the traces. I'm starting to think the problem has nothing to do with grease of any type but rather the fingers that slide along the traces simply don't have enough pressure on them. Maybe the solution is to simply bend the fingers to allow more pressure?
BTW: These are DF-772/Kyocrea.
Edit: The difficulty is that the problem is intermittent. It may work fine for a couple of weeks and then malfunction. But it always works when I'm there. The customer will show examples of where it's cutting off the scans. I can tell it thinks a different size paper is in the tray. I'm gonna try bending the fingers down to apply more pressure and we'll see what happens.
When I took apart the tray, there's a electrical grid, so to speak, that's comprised of electrical traces on a circuit board. A series of copper fingers slide along the grid to determine the width of the paper and these electrical signals are fed back to the main pwb of the doc. feeder.
I was gonna put conductive grease on the traces but they are much too close to one another and it would short the traces. I'm starting to think the problem has nothing to do with grease of any type but rather the fingers that slide along the traces simply don't have enough pressure on them. Maybe the solution is to simply bend the fingers to allow more pressure?
BTW: These are DF-772/Kyocrea.
Edit: The difficulty is that the problem is intermittent. It may work fine for a couple of weeks and then malfunction. But it always works when I'm there. The customer will show examples of where it's cutting off the scans. I can tell it thinks a different size paper is in the tray. I'm gonna try bending the fingers down to apply more pressure and we'll see what happens.