After updating firmware on an MP C306. I booted it up and everything was fine. Then, while going to interface settings to change my IP address, the machine went into error mode with "functional problem" and restarted itself. After that, the machine just sits on "preparing to update firmware" even with the firmware chip removed from the machine. I can't get into SP mode (even from the side button/check status) to look up what code the machine gave when it initially gave me the "functional problem" message. I tried re-flashing firmware. No help.
I got a bunch of SC Codes flashing while the machine sits on the "preparing to update firmware" screen. SC 860, 870-08, 872, 925. Which to my understanding all are HDD issues.
I have replaced the HDD with 2 different ones with no change.
Any suggestions?
I got a bunch of SC Codes flashing while the machine sits on the "preparing to update firmware" screen. SC 860, 870-08, 872, 925. Which to my understanding all are HDD issues.
I have replaced the HDD with 2 different ones with no change.
Any suggestions?