Can anyone tell me what setting to change so that the replace waste toner bottle message doesn't come and shut down machine.
Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
It will have to be emptied or replaced. The machine will not run if it is full.NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING -
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
"SURPRISE! Your copier is not working, and the best part is it won't tell you why. Have a good day.""Enjoy every sandwich."
-- Warren ZevonComment
"Enjoy every sandwich."
-- Warren ZevonComment
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
The service manual tells you how to replace the Waste Toner Bottle. It can be emptied but it is not something I would recommend doing in a customer's office. It is time consuming and runs the risk of making a huge mess. If you are not a Ricoh dealer just search Ricoh 41890 to see where you can buy one. Hell even Amazon has them but wants $22.00. Under $20.00 elsewhere.
My junior techs and I always carried at least one in our cars. Swap it at the customer then empty it at the shop. For color production machines we always kept one at the customer with the machine.Comment
Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!
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Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
A few of our customers call for a service tech to come out for some vague problem and ask "Oh and could he bring some toner with him when he comes?""Enjoy every sandwich."
-- Warren ZevonComment
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
We get the same thing all the time, so we're going to start charging for tech delivery of toner any time their shortage is not our fault (backorders mostly). In other words "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part".Comment
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
The waste bottle is not full. this keeps happening. I'm a technician. I'm not an idiot.Comment
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
If the WTB is not full then you need to find out why the message is displayed. Turning off the message is not a solution, it's a band-aid on a larger problem. Either the sensor is failing or something is causing the diaphragm on the rear top to rise too early.Comment
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
I'm going there today. I'll get back to this thread with more info. I've have reset probably 4 times.Comment
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
There are at least 4 counters for the waste toner bottles. Have you checked any of them? They are reset automatically when the bottle is properly replaced.
There are specific SP entries for both the toner collection bottle full sensor and the toner collection bottle set sensor. Either of those sensors being defective will prevent the message from clearing. Automatic reset of the counters is most likely based on the sequencing of those 2 sensor during replacement. Quite possibly if the machine is not on, the controller will not that sequencing.Comment
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
Well, I take advantage and tell them: we have a promotion....2 kits of the 4 colors...we take them at once so they don't get stranded...we give 30 days for payment..Comment
Re: Ricoh MP C3004 waste bottle message
ALT!...its happened to me the same thing, the current toner bottle, or the previous one, has a toner leak from the rotary gear seal on the back, and fouls the full sensor, you must remove the toner bottle, disassemble the motor-sensor block, and clean the sensor, and change the defective bottle"loneliness is an invention of the white man, when we are alone we talk to everything around us, we are never alone" (Ojibwa)Comment