This printer loads aroll... only the rewind doesn't seem to work. At least, it's not rewinding... Idon't know if the rewind is bad or if that's just a symptom. It prints a coupleof inches, then it stops, and gives a message that it could not eject thepaper. After I force the paper out, it mentions that the multi-tray isattached. In the diagnostics, I ran the paper rewind motor utility. The gearskind of bumped when I did it the first time. After that, if they moved at all,it was slight enough to where I couldn't see it. So that leads me to thing therewind motor is bad, but why does it keep going on about the multi tray? I'veseen on a T790 where the printer kept doing something similar because itthought that there was a page going through the manual feed, and I made thatassociation in my mind, but maybe it's just a bad rewind motor.
Anyway... doesanyone have a manual for this? I can't find one.
And it looks likeI'd have to replace the left spindle support in order to replace that motor (P#F9A30-67050) but I can't find one of those for sale either. At least, not herein America.
Anyway... doesanyone have a manual for this? I can't find one.
And it looks likeI'd have to replace the left spindle support in order to replace that motor (P#F9A30-67050) but I can't find one of those for sale either. At least, not herein America.