Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

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  • theengel
    Service Manager

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    • Nov 2011
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    Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

    This printer loads aroll... only the rewind doesn't seem to work. At least, it's not rewinding... Idon't know if the rewind is bad or if that's just a symptom. It prints a coupleof inches, then it stops, and gives a message that it could not eject thepaper. After I force the paper out, it mentions that the multi-tray isattached. In the diagnostics, I ran the paper rewind motor utility. The gearskind of bumped when I did it the first time. After that, if they moved at all,it was slight enough to where I couldn't see it. So that leads me to thing therewind motor is bad, but why does it keep going on about the multi tray? I'veseen on a T790 where the printer kept doing something similar because itthought that there was a page going through the manual feed, and I made thatassociation in my mind, but maybe it's just a bad rewind motor.

    Anyway... doesanyone have a manual for this? I can't find one.

    And it looks likeI'd have to replace the left spindle support in order to replace that motor (P#F9A30-67050) but I can't find one of those for sale either. At least, not herein America.
  • blackcat4866
    Master Of The Obvious

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    Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

    This is kind of a sad story, but you may be interested. It's about a Canon iPF-825. This wide format has two roll feeds.

    About halfway through the debacle the machine began to eject the paper rolls or jam. At first I replaced logical things like sensors and motors and pulse wheels and boards. When that didn't work, I replaced the two week old printhead, and it stopped ejecting the paper rolls. It actually worked for nearly two weeks until the next bout of error codes. After spending nearly the cost of a replacement machine it still was not working. That machine got replaced.

    It went on for nearly two months.

    Maybe try a printhead? =^..^=
    If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
    1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
    2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
    3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
    4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
    5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

    blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


    • Kiran Otter
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      Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

      I am not a fan of these particular models of Designjets. That being said, I would suspect the main PCA before the motor, but the motor is cheaper so.. I'd try it first.

      It's F9A30-67050.. the 'Candela Left Support SV', not sure where you got the part number you have. It's available from HP for $121.

      And bad consumables can certainly cause weird problems! Doesn't hurt to at least take them all out and see if the problem still exists, if you can.


      PS You could check the power to the motor with a voltmeter; the red and black wires. Should probably be 12V if I had to guess. If you don't see a voltage or it's very low, it's probably that main PCA.


      • theengel
        Service Manager

        1,000+ Posts
        • Nov 2011
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        Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

        Anyone know where I could get my hands on a manual for this machine? The usual places don't have one.


        • D Hook
          Trusted Tech

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          Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

          Quick search on Bing for T730 Service Manual brought up this:

          Table Of Contents - Hp DesignJet T730 Service Manual [Page 7]


          • Lance15
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            Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

            Try this:

            Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files

            I haven't used my Google Drive in a while and had to setup a shared folder again. I guess this will work.


            • theengel
              Service Manager

              1,000+ Posts
              • Nov 2011
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              Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

              Customer is going to let me replace the left spool support (the motor) but we ordered the cheapest one we could find, which was from UK. Shipping is taking a while. I'll post results when it happens.


              • Lance15
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                Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

                Probably faster than Hong Kong.

                Have ordered parts from eBay that came from Hong Kong. No other option.


                • theengel
                  Service Manager

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                  • Nov 2011
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                  Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

                  Replacing the motor did nothing. Not sure if the cust is going to go for the main PCA or not.


                  • Kiran Otter
                    Service Manager

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                    • Dec 2013
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                    Re: Designjet T730 seems to get confused when printing from roll

                    Well it was a 50/50 shot, motor vs main PCA. And it is an expensive bastard. More than those printers are worth if you ask me.

                    Whoa, there's one on ebay for $149! HP Designjet T830 T730 NEW Main Formatter Control Board MPCA SV Kit F9A30-67001 613326147962 | eBay


