HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

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  • Desert Rat
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    [Error Code] HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

    I just finished replacing the carriage belt and service station. I vacuumed the dust bunnies off the outside of the power supply and formatter.
    I have turned it off and on several times, reseated connectors, tried using the hp tech site.
    The error code refers to a generic firmware error and sez to download the latest version. I must be stupid cause I could not get it off the hp site.
    Does anyone have firmware for this machine or another suggestion to help me fix this for the salvation army.
    I can still get into the service mode and ran a couple of test. It failed the electronic modual test. That ended in a 79:04 code.
    Unit information gave me this firmware. TR-12 on the next line was RB_11.0.0.3
    Even if I can only get the this version and it works I'll be happy.


  • Desert Rat
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    Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

    Would that EEROM Reset program help?



    • Desert Rat
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      Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

      OK, I got the newest firmware from the HP web site. Now how do I download it to the machine?



      • Lance15
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        Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

        I think this is right:
        Can someone verify, please?

        Copy the firmware file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick and insert it into the USB slot in the formatter. During bootup, the plotter will detect the file and ask to update the firmware.


        • D Hook
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          Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

          That's always worked for me. Just have to be sure there are no other files on the thumb drive.


          • Kiran Otter
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            Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

            Changing the firmware isn't going to fix anything. If I had to guess, you've got a damaged trailing cable. Did you disconnect the trailing cable at the carriage when you removed it? If you did, you need to take it apart again and very closely inspect the end of the cable for damage.

            If you only disconnected the EMOD end of the trailing cable, take it out and inspect it as well. If there's any damage to those fine little contacts/fingers, do NOT attempt to reuse it. You must replace it or face blowing the carriage AND/OR EMOD.

            When do you get the error? Is there any movement of the service station or carriage before the error occurs?


            BTW - 79:04 is the 'catch all' error, when there's a problem but the firmware doesn't know what it is. It does not mean the firmware is somehow bad or corrupted.


            • Desert Rat
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              Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

              Sorry to not get back to you right away. I am not an IT tech and stumble through stuff like this.

              Lance, I do have a fat32 thumb drive with the firmware unzipped and there is nothing else on the drive.
              However the formatter does not have the usb port that would fit the thumb drive. It has that square looking connector.
              I did plug that into my lap top and it did display the icon for the z3200 but there is nothing in the folder when I open it.
              I also tried to go in through the IP address and got a not responding message.

              Kiran, I followed the instructions in the manual. I did not disconnect the trailing cable from the carriage. The book said to disconnect it from the board on the EMOD.
              I have checked all the connectors and they are down and tight.
              There is no movement except for the fan on the EMOD. It does come on. Also I can get into the diagnostic mode. I ran the service station program and it ended
              with the 79:04 code as did the EMOD program.
              I even tried plugging the old svc station in to see if I got a defective unit.
              I did inspect the trailing cable connection with a magnifying glass and all the little things are there and not damaged.
              The last time I powered it up the display remained blank. When I push the buttons to get into diagnostics it sounded the beep with a continuous tone
              and shut down.
              Apply power again and i got into the diagnostic menu and ran the aerosol fan, that ended normally the fan came on.
              When I ran the service station program it coded out at starting the carriage.
              When power is applied it displays the HP icon and the scroll bar. Right after initialize is displayed it codes out with 79:04.

              I hope I have provided enough info. It does this with and without inks installed. I've had to replace the trailing cable before but not on this model.
              On the formatter by the ether net connector the orange light is on steady and the yellow light flashes. Is it flashing a code?
              I just ran the sensor test and it passed.

              Thanks for all the advice, please give some more.



              • Lance15
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                Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

                If your carriage doesn't move, it sounds like the EMOD is blown.

                When I replace belts, the first sign I know everything is usually good is when the carriage moves.


                • Desert Rat
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                  Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

                  Thanks for your reply Lance. So do they just go out or does something usually happen? When I run the Electronic modual test it
                  errors out with that 79:04 code.
                  Is their any other way to verify this is what's wrong?




                  • Lance15
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                    Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

                    I believe if you get the error while testing the electronics module, it's makes sense to start there.


                    • Kiran Otter
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                      Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

                      Try powering it up with the printmechPCA disconnected; unplug the ribbon cable to it from the EMOD. See if you get any different results. Could be you have a bad printmech board and it wasn't driving the service station correctly. Hard to know though!



                      • Desert Rat
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                        Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

                        I will give that a try. Why would it be hard to tell?



                        • blackcat4866
                          Master Of The Obvious

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                          Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

                          Originally posted by Desert Rat
                          I will give that a try. Why would it be hard to tell?

                          It would be hard to tell because HP's diagnostic codes can be vague. The code that you're seeing may be occurring because any previous step of initialization did not complete (that did not pull a code). Frustrating is too mild a word for this situation. =^..^=
                          If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
                          1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
                          2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
                          3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
                          4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
                          5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

                          blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


                          • Desert Rat
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                            Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

                            I don't always like the answer, but I have to agree on the vagueness.



                            • Desert Rat
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                              Re: HPDJ Z3200ps photo printer with Error code 79:04 44" model

                              I unplugged the prt mech bd & pwr'ed up. I got a 22.1:10. Pwr'd down and unplugged both prt mech bd ribbon cables. Got a 1.1:10 code. Pwr'ed down and reconnected prt mech bd and pwr'd up. This time the carriage moved and the svc station came back to life. Then it ask to have the paper path cleared when therewas no paper loaded. It moved the carriage in and out of the service station and the svc station was working. ( I ran the svc station diagnotic and it passed. Then it started the preparing printing system. I could hear and see it doing stuff. After the last step it asked for yellow ink and to have the two prt heads on the right replaced. I replaced the ink with a new after market ink
                              and reseated the print heads. No joy on the yellow ink, it is stuck on that one. Put the old one back in and the same thing, it asked for the yellow ink to be replaced. Tried to run the IDS diagnostic and it errored out on the bongo, error BPS2.
                              Ran the svc station diagnotic and it passed. And it just passed the electronics modual diagnostic.
                              Restart and it give an 86:01 code and asks to have the paper path cleared when there was no paper loaded.
                              That ended my day at 630pm.
                              I'm going back today to double check on the symptoms. I will post the results later today or tonight. Now I'm getting a couple of call in and will need to respond to those.

                              Thanks for the help


