KM364c Cyan Dv out of DV

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  • digicor
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Jul 2008
    • 1134

    KM364c Cyan Dv out of DV

    i replaced the Cyan DV, and DV Unit and the chip, just a few months ago, the DV is now been used up like it want getting toner, but there's no leak, spill, cyan toner anywhere to suggest a leak,there is over a half a bottle of cyan toner in the machine its OEM, i checked the sliding door at the DV shoot and the machine, its working and getting engaged when the DV tank is inserted. Is it possible the chip reset process didn't re calibrate the DV process?and used up all the dv? this does not usually happen, The color charts were vibrant afterwords and there no codes.... any suggestions? im getting another DV powder and am going to have to re install it. im not wanting the same thing to re occur.
  • copier tech
    Field Supervisor

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    This is a common issue on the 4e series.

    Main cause if you are not using genuine Konica Minolta toner.

    Also if any image unit or transfer unit is over life can cause the developer to be drawn out into the waste toner box.

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    • Black Cloud

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      Cyan is usually the #1 offender. I had one I replaced the cyan dev unit to have it happen again, Then I replaced the cyan dev unit but swapped the yellow and cyan drums. The Yellow was now pulling developer. My #1 rule is once a colour is pulling developer, replace that drum too. Even if it still shows some life remaining. This can also be a bad contact for developer bias.
      Net+ PDI+ @Remote


      • digicor
        Service Manager

        1,000+ Posts
        • Jul 2008
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        Copier Tech/cyan toner in the machine its OEM


        • Gaffers01
          Trusted Tech

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          I've had a load of these on the 4 and 8 series recently mostly on Magenta and 9 out of 10 times ive had to replace the complete dev unit to fix.


          • femaster
            Service Manager

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            I agree with Black Cloud, if a developer is draining, replace the dev unit and the drum for that color as well. We learned the hard way too many times, so this is now the process we follow as well.
            A Ricoh Service Tech for 7 year. A Konica Minolta Service Tech for 7 years. Now, KM service manager for 4 years.
            My Ricoh knowledge is slowly dwindling away at this point. Many things have been lost to time...


            • tsbservice
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              Originally posted by femaster
              I agree with Black Cloud, if a developer is draining, replace the dev unit and the drum for that color as well. We learned the hard way too many times, so this is now the process we follow as well.
              Ditto plus replacing the filters and cleaning the air ducts. And lowering cyan tcr -1 or -2.
              A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
              Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.


              • Synthohol
                Certified Konica Expert

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                dont forget about those evil leaking damn caps
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                We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
                The medication helps though...


                • femaster
                  Service Manager

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                  Originally posted by tsbservice

                  Ditto plus replacing the filters and cleaning the air ducts. And lowering cyan tcr -1 or -2.
                  +1 on the filters and ducts, especially the cyan, that one is the worst when it comes to the duct getting clogged.

                  Surprisingly, we had very few of the cap issues, despite having multiple hundreds of these models out in the field. I want to say in total we probably had 10 machines tops, and only 1 cap on each of those machines that ever seized up the auger. All we ever did was removed the caps, cleaned and vacuumed them out along with the auger area and reinstalled. All of the ones we did this to never had the issue come back, despite never replacing the caps.
                  A Ricoh Service Tech for 7 year. A Konica Minolta Service Tech for 7 years. Now, KM service manager for 4 years.
                  My Ricoh knowledge is slowly dwindling away at this point. Many things have been lost to time...


                  • tsbservice
                    Field tech

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                    We only had one cap gone and replaced it just for good measure 😁
                    And it was on machine they(client) previously put compatible toner.
                    A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
                    Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.


                    • Synthohol
                      Certified Konica Expert

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                      i just thought with the age and if the WTB is full of toner and DV it may be worth a look.
                      We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
                      The medication helps though...


                      • femaster
                        Service Manager

                        1,000+ Posts
                        • May 2011
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                        Originally posted by Synthohol
                        i just thought with the age and if the WTB is full of toner and DV it may be worth a look.
                        Definitely good advice. I was just surprised that we never has much of an issue with the caps as one might think based on the release of a bulletin about it.
                        A Ricoh Service Tech for 7 year. A Konica Minolta Service Tech for 7 years. Now, KM service manager for 4 years.
                        My Ricoh knowledge is slowly dwindling away at this point. Many things have been lost to time...


                        • Synthohol
                          Certified Konica Expert

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                          • Mar 2016
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                          i replaced caps in a school that had the issue with 2 out of 20 machines. usually it was a 255x error but the wtb filling up in an hour of use was bad.
                          replaced caps on all regardless since they were FOC at the time. no more dv dumps.
                          We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
                          The medication helps though...


                          • digicor
                            Service Manager

                            1,000+ Posts
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 1134

                            Okay the dv was replaced again, the drum is new, re ran graduation sequence, all oem toner's and no leaks to be seen, waste toner box is 3/4 full but its all gray not looking like overly cyan, so if this re occurs im selling them a new box... Some how , i think there emotionally attached to the


                            • ferro10
                              Trusted Tech

                              100+ Posts
                              • Jun 2015
                              • 109

                              try to follow this bulletin

                              Does the customer print very unbalanced? Very black and white and very little color?
                              Attached Files

