I have a P7240cdn which has been working just fine until earlier today when over the space of a few hundred pages a grey smudge has appeared on the edge of the pages. It is affecting both edges (left and right) and both sides (front and back) to some degree, although not uniformly. I have run the Drum, LSU and Auto DrumRefresh with no luck.
I am printing in B&W only, but I notice on my colour test sheet there it a smudgy line down the middle of the page as well (which doesn't happen on the B&W prints), and the colour areas don't look very even (although I don't really care about that, it's the edges of the B&W prints that is my main problem).
It has just cleared 26,000 prints (only 1,500 in colour) and other than toner, nothing has been changed to my knowledge.
Please see attached examples showing the issue.
Any ideas?
Oops, wrong forum, meant to post to printers, not copiers! Will re-post there, sorry.
I have a P7240cdn which has been working just fine until earlier today when over the space of a few hundred pages a grey smudge has appeared on the edge of the pages. It is affecting both edges (left and right) and both sides (front and back) to some degree, although not uniformly. I have run the Drum, LSU and Auto DrumRefresh with no luck.
I am printing in B&W only, but I notice on my colour test sheet there it a smudgy line down the middle of the page as well (which doesn't happen on the B&W prints), and the colour areas don't look very even (although I don't really care about that, it's the edges of the B&W prints that is my main problem).
It has just cleared 26,000 prints (only 1,500 in colour) and other than toner, nothing has been changed to my knowledge.
Please see attached examples showing the issue.
Any ideas?
Oops, wrong forum, meant to post to printers, not copiers! Will re-post there, sorry.