T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

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  • D Hook
    Trusted Tech

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    • Mar 2018
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    T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

    We have a T1200 printer/scanner (4500mfp) that we use for both line drawings and printing graphics. It was bought as a set. The scanner is working very well but the printer is developing a banding problem that the HP techs can't seem to fix or even diagnose with any certainty. It leaves an empty space about every 17 carriage cycles. So far, they've replaced the encoder strip, the advance transmission and the star wheel motor. We're not certain we want to put much more money into this printer. They said the next item to replace would be the carriage itself but they're not sure that would solve the problem either. I can post a picture, if that would be helpful.

    The question is how we can keep the scanner and put it together with a new printer and have the same good working relationship between the two. Presently, we can scan an image right to the printer, which is great. But I was told today by the HP repair tech and by our HP rep that the scanner will not be able to do that with the new HP printers. I was told the software on that scanner only matches up with the T1200 printer so you can't just plug the scanner into a different printer and scan directly to that printer like we do now. Our only option is to buy a new printer that has the scanner built right on to the printer.

    Does anyone have some insight into this? Is it true that scanner will only work with the T1200 printer that it came with when we first bought it? Or is there a way to change the software on the scanner to make it work with a new HP printer?

    He said the only other option is to scan to the server, then send that file to the printer from your desktop computer (via the server). We could do that of course, but it's just an extra step that costs more time.

    Thanks for any help.
  • Lance15
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    Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

    Typically, printheads cause banding. Everytime I've seen banding, it's always been a faulty printhead. Check your printhead expiration dates on the heads themselves. Print the PQ Diagnostics from the menu and any colors that show banding, replace the corresponding printhead. As for the hooking up to another plotter........they may be right. I don't have a lot of experience with the designjet scanners. Doing a quick search on the HP site for the 4500 scanner series, I see the last software update for the 4500 was in 2014 for the 'A' and 'B' models and 2015 for the 'C' models. The software for the scanners is just re-shelled (skinned) version of Windows. Typically WindowsXP.


    • copyman
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      Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

      Is this machine under a service contract? If so tell them to keep replacing parts until issue is solved or if they would like replace with another of the same model. After all it isn't you who is guessing at parts because of not being able to solve an issue. You can buy used working T1200 printers without the scanner & controller at low prices. Tell them that may actually be the best route and save them time and money in the long run. I have done it with copiers, it gets to a point you pull the machine and replace it with the same model. Keep old machine for parts. Fortunately not often because I take it personally and won't allow a machine to beat me. But once in a while you just have to give in. But no worries because I'll be the winner in the end... Stipping the parts off than throwing into dumpster real hard !!!

      By the way have you had issues with the exp lamps not lasting, or maint messages & calibration. Have only worked on a few T1200 and both had exp lamp issues. Those exp lamp units aren't cheap $400-500. Fortunately I found a way around paying that ridiculous amount for basically a fluorescent tube lamp.


      • D Hook
        Trusted Tech

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        Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

        Originally posted by Lance15
        Typically, printheads cause banding. Everytime I've seen banding, it's always been a faulty printhead. Check your printhead expiration dates on the heads themselves. Print the PQ Diagnostics from the menu and any colors that show banding, replace the corresponding printhead. As for the hooking up to another plotter........they may be right. I don't have a lot of experience with the designjet scanners. Doing a quick search on the HP site for the 4500 scanner series, I see the last software update for the 4500 was in 2014 for the 'A' and 'B' models and 2015 for the 'C' models. The software for the scanners is just re-shelled (skinned) version of Windows. Typically WindowsXP.
        All the printheads have been replaced. It was the first thing they tried. This "banding" is more like ink not present and the lines are about 4-5" apart. I think I need to post a picture to clarify. Also, when you watch the paper advance, you can see the paper move just a 1/32" too far every 14-17 passes of the carriage. Most banding I've seen on other printers looks different from this. On this one, it's like the paper moves too far. Something you'd expect to see if there is a missing tooth on one of the gears. So more mechanical than ink supply type of problem.

        *EDIT: I should add, when the "banding" happens, especially on a line drawing, you can tell the paper advances too far because the lines are out of alignment, rather than the ink missing.

        I have a Designjet 800 that I'm thinking of hooking up to the scanner, just as an experiment, to see if it will print directly from the scanner to the printer. Nothing to lose at this point.

        Thanks for the input!


        • D Hook
          Trusted Tech

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          Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

          Originally posted by copyman
          Is this machine under a service contract? If so tell them to keep replacing parts until issue is solved or if they would like replace with another of the same model. After all it isn't you who is guessing at parts because of not being able to solve an issue. You can buy used working T1200 printers without the scanner & controller at low prices. Tell them that may actually be the best route and save them time and money in the long run. I have done it with copiers, it gets to a point you pull the machine and replace it with the same model. Keep old machine for parts. Fortunately not often because I take it personally and won't allow a machine to beat me. But once in a while you just have to give in. But no worries because I'll be the winner in the end... Stipping the parts off than throwing into dumpster real hard !!!

          By the way have you had issues with the exp lamps not lasting, or maint messages & calibration. Have only worked on a few T1200 and both had exp lamp issues. Those exp lamp units aren't cheap $400-500. Fortunately I found a way around paying that ridiculous amount for basically a fluorescent tube lamp.
          Haven't had any trouble with the scanner lamp (knock on wood) so far and we've had it for over 10 years now. I've read about being able to replace with a regular flourescent.

          Sure wish it was under a service contract! No such luck.

          Yes, buying a used T1200 is probably a good choice and it's the way I would go if it was my personal equipment. But since it belongs to the company I work for, they're a little reluctant to buy a used model for fear of getting into another problem unit. But I'm going to start looking to see what's out there in the used equipment area.

          Thanks for the input!


          • Lance15
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            Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

            I've read about being able to replace with a regular flourescent.
            I did that with the last one I did. Just have to make sure it's the correct tube (brightness) for proper color reproduction. I don't remember anymore the tube number.


            • copyman
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              Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

              "Daylight" bulb from home depot or lowes. The wattage is a little different but works fine and better than the oem. Only need torx driver to remove end of the lamp assembly. $10 bulb instead of new $500 lamp unit. I should get a lot of thanks for this post


              • Lance15
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                Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

                Yeah, I remember it was REALLY cheap for the bulb. Don't understand HP's thinking on pricing on this.


                • D Hook
                  Trusted Tech

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                  Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

                  Here's a pic of what the "skipping" looks like. Tech said he did a paper advance calibration. They also replaced the encoder disc, media advance transmission and star wheel motor. I looked at the media advance transmission and can't see anything mechanically wrong with the gearing that would make a skip.

                  I have a video but it's pretty big. It just shows the printer skipping every 3 1/2" or so, sometimes less but never more. Also have a bunch more pictures but they just show the same skipping. Does it on a roll feed or on a sheet feed. Checked paper rolls for binding (none), changed rolls to smaller and no change.

                  They want to replace the carriage next but I'm having a hard time believing the carriage would be the problem. I would suspect the carriage belt but again, that doesn't seem to be able to cause a paper advance problem. But I'm not a trained HP tech.

                  Any help is much appreciated.
                  Attached Files


                  • theengel
                    Service Manager

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                    Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

                    I assume they've done a "Paper Advance Calibration?"

                    And before that, a printhead alignment--making sure all printheads are in good shape?


                    • theengel
                      Service Manager

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                      Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

                      Actually--rereading this, why didn't they start with the encoder wheel and encoder sensor? Unless new ones come with the transmission.


                      • Phil B.
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                        Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

                        Originally posted by theengel
                        I assume they've done a "Paper Advance Calibration?"

                        And before that, a printhead alignment--making sure all printheads are in good shape?
                        yeah not totally familiar with this HP line... but the Epsons I work on, if it isn't the head... more likely paper motor or just a calibration issue. out of the 10 calls I have had MOST times it just needed to be calibrated.

                        ALSO banding can appear due to the QUALITY setting and media used. a 'DRAFT' setting is usually the problem if it isn't in HIGH QUALITY setting.


                        • Kiran Otter
                          Service Manager

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                          Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

                          Sorry to be late to the game here. Let me ask my contact at HP about the skipping. I don't think it has anyting to do with the carriage. I'll post back when I get some info.



                          • D Hook
                            Trusted Tech

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                            Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

                            Originally posted by theengel
                            I assume they've done a "Paper Advance Calibration?"

                            And before that, a printhead alignment--making sure all printheads are in good shape?
                            Yes, they said they did both of those. Tempted to do them again, just in case. I trust these guys but am surprised they can't nail down the issue.


                            • Kiran Otter
                              Service Manager

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                              Re: T1200 MFP printer/scanner question

                              As far as what printers your scanner supports, assuming it's the HD Scanner CQ654A, this is a list of the supported printers from the product brochure:

                              C7770B HP Designjet 500 42-in Printer
                              C7770C HP Designjet 500ps 42-in Printer
                              C7770F HP Designjet 500 Plus 42-in Printer
                              CH336A HP Designjet 510 24-in Printer
                              CH337A HP Designjet 510 42-in Printer
                              C7779B HP Designjet 800 24-in Printer
                              C7780B HP Designjet 800 42-in Printer
                              C7779C HP Designjet 800ps 24-in Printer
                              C7780C HP Designjet 800ps 42-in Printer
                              C6074B HP Designjet 1050c Plus Printer
                              C6075B HP Designjet 1055cm Plus Printer
                              Q1273A HP Designjet 4000 Printer
                              Q1274A HP Designjet 4000ps Printer
                              CM765A HP Designjet 4020 42-in Printer
                              CM766A HP Designjet 4020ps 42-in Printer
                              Q1271A HP Designjet 4500 Printer
                              Q1272A HP Designjet 4500ps Printer
                              CM767A HP Designjet 4520 42-in Printer
                              CM768A HP Designjet 4520ps 42-in Printer
                              Q1251A HP Designjet 5500 42-in Printer
                              Q1253A HP Designjet 5500 60-in Printer
                              Q1252A HP Designjet 5500ps 42-in Printer
                              Q1254A HP Designjet 5500ps 60-in Printer
                              Q1251V HP Designjet 5500 42-in UV Printer
                              Q1253V HP Designjet 5500 60-in UV Printer
                              Q1252V HP Designjet 5500ps 42-in UV Printer
                              Q1254V HP Designjet 5500ps 60-in UV Printer
                              Q6711A HP Designjet T610 24-in Printer
                              Q6712A HP Designjet T610 42-in Printer
                              Q6683A HP Designjet T1100 24-in Printer
                              Q6684A HP Designjet T1100 44-in Printer
                              Q6687A HP Designjet T1100ps 24-in Printer
                              Q6688A HP Designjet T1100ps 44-in Printer
                              CK837A HP Designjet T1120 24-in Printer
                              CK839A HP Designjet T1120 44-in Printer
                              CK838A HP Designjet T1120ps 24-in Printer
                              CK840A HP Designjet T1120ps 44-in Printer
                              CH538A HP Designjet T1200 44-in Printer
                              CK834A HP Designjet T1200 44-in PostScript Version Printer
                              CN375A HP Designjet T770 44-in Printer with Hard Disk
                              CQ306A HP Designjet T770 24-in Printer with Hard Disk
                              Q6675 HP Designjet Z2100 24-in Photo Printer
                              Q6677A HP Designjet Z2100 44-in Photo Printer
                              Q5669A HP Designjet Z3100 24-in Photo Printer
                              Q5659A HP Designjet Z3100 44-in Photo Printer
                              Q5670A HP Designjet Z3100ps GP 24-in Photo Printer
                              Q5660A HP Designjet Z3100ps GP 44-in Photo Printer
                              Q5669A HP Designjet Z3200 24-in Photo Printer
                              Q6659A HP Designjet Z3200 44-in Photo Printer
                              Q5670A HP Designjet Z3200ps 24-in Photo Printer
                              Q6660A HP Designjet Z3200ps 44-in Photo Printer
                              Q6651A HP Designjet Z6100 42-in Printer
                              Q6652A HP Designjet Z6100 60-in Printer
                              Q6653A HP Designjet Z6100ps 42-in Printer
                              Q6654A HP Designjet Z6100ps 60-in Printer
                              Q6651C HP Designjet Z6100 42-in Printer
                              Q6652C HP Designjet Z6100 60-in Printer
                              Q6653C HP Designjet Z6100ps 42-in Printer
                              Q6654C HP Designjet Z6100ps 60-in Printer

                              This list could change depending on the version of the OS on the scanner PC. Ultimately, if you go to add a printer, there is a drop-down list of supported printers which will tell you what it supports.


