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12 results in 0.0160 seconds.
CANON ImageFormula DR-C225 power light flashes blue
I have a canon imageFormula DR-c225 which turns on, but the power light flashes blue and cannot scan while the pc detects the device well......can someone... -
raskalfa 4501i
The control panel is of . No light on any ley , nothing. When turn on copier scaner flashes etc .
Obviously the problem is on panel. Any idea where... -
konica c360 problem
the printer scans and photocopies but does not print from the PC or the demo page and if you insert the key it tells me external memory detected. this... -
CLJ 9000mfp won't boot up
I have a color laserjet 9000 MFP that won't boot up, the back light comes on and the memory count goes ok, then the HP invent flashes forever no error... -
Sharp AR-M550N Will Not Boot-up
IU am working on a Sharp AR-M550N. It will not boot out of the start-up screen and even flashes a couple of times. What can be the problem? -
Upgrade memory for Toshiba e-studio 3511
I'm trying to upgrade the memory to my e-studio 3511 and have purchased what I thought was the correct ram (256M PC-133 SDRAM), however having installed... -
Copy star vs kyocera 5050
We recieved a copy star 5050 (A dealer split) and we are Kyocera dealer. Are the flashes and toner the same. What other problema will we run into. -
Help Setup IR2200
I'm trying to setup IR2200 as a printer in our office. It doesnt have network card, but has standard printer port. I'm using windows 2000... -
Help! Samsung Scx 4216f
I have a Samsung SCX 4216f. The MFP has simply gone "dead". When the power is switched on after the copier has been "off" for a day... -
Canon NP 7161 Error E-004
Hi therei have a canon NP 7161 has this Error E-004 message flashing when the power is turned on then goes off.It flashes together with the toner light... -
canon pc981 error
father in law brought this copier with him from s. fl. it powers up, but when you press the print key it flashes E2 20
i am a K/M tech... -
Xerox XC 1020
This machine flashes between \"0\" and \"1\" in the display at power on. Holding the print key displays a \"00\"....