Gun Control

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  • SalesServiceGuy
    Field Supervisor

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    • Dec 2009
    • 7980

    Re: Gun Control

    Colorado lawmakers approve sweeping gun-control measures

    "DENVER (Reuters) - Both chambers of the majority Democratic Colorado legislature approved a package of four gun-control measures on Wednesday, capping months of debate in a state that has experienced two of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.

    The most controversial of the bills that are now headed to the desk of Democratic Governor John Hickenlooper is a ban on ammunition magazines with more than 15 rounds, which the governor said he will sign into law.

    Other bills included in the package of gun-control laws approved by Colorado lawmakers included a measure to make firearm buyers pay for their own background checks and a ban on online certification for concealed-carry permits, both of which Hickenlooper has said he supports.
    Another measure would bar gun purchases by people convicted of domestic violence crimes. Hickenlooper had previously said he was undecided about that until he could see the final version."

    Both chambers of the legislature have Democratic majorities and a Democratic governor.


    • Jimbo1
      Senior Tech

      500+ Posts
      • Mar 2008
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      Re: Gun Control

      "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

      Cdr. William Riker


      • Akitu
        Legendary Frost Spec Tech

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        Re: Gun Control

        Originally posted by Jimbo1
        Pretty funny I have to admit. Potentially just sheer coincidence but an interesting fact none the less. With only 2 majour parties in the US it's reasonable to assume a 50-50 chance of being either Dem or Lib. Granted those aren't quite the figures if you include fringe parties etc...
        Cthulhu for president! Why settle for the lesser evil?


        • SalesServiceGuy
          Field Supervisor

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          • Dec 2009
          • 7980

          Re: Gun Control

          While many like to characterize the Democratic party as anti gun and anti Second Amendment, they are neither. Being pro gun control in a nation with 12,000 firearms murders per year is good civic policy. Similarly, no one is talking about forcibly taking away anyone's gun. That is simply NRA stoked hysteria to keep the gun/ammo industry, they lobby so hard for, very profitable.


          • Jimbo1
            Senior Tech

            500+ Posts
            • Mar 2008
            • 845

            Re: Gun Control

            "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

            Cdr. William Riker


            • Shadow1
              Service Manager

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              • Sep 2008
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              Re: Gun Control

              Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
              While many like to characterize the Democratic party as anti gun and anti Second Amendment, they are neither. Being pro gun control in a nation with 12,000 firearms murders per year is good civic policy. Similarly, no one is talking about forcibly taking away anyone's gun. That is simply NRA stoked hysteria to keep the gun/ammo industry, they lobby so hard for, very profitable.
              I just find it amazing that someone who doesn't live in America would think they know more about my country than I do.
              73 DE W5SSJ


              • Iowatech
                Not a service manager

                2,500+ Posts
                • Dec 2009
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                Re: Gun Control

                Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                While many like to characterize the Democratic party as anti gun and anti Second Amendment, they are neither. Being pro gun control in a nation with 12,000 firearms murders per year is good civic policy. Similarly, no one is talking about forcibly taking away anyone's gun. That is simply NRA stoked hysteria to keep the gun/ammo industry, they lobby so hard for, very profitable.
                Are you sure?


                • SalesServiceGuy
                  Field Supervisor

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                  • Dec 2009
                  • 7980

                  Re: Gun Control

                  "Since Dec 1980, when John Lennon was shot to death outside his New York apartment, 1,057,000 American citizens have been murdered with firearms!"

                  Yoko Ono


                  • Shadow1
                    Service Manager

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                    • Sep 2008
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                    Re: Gun Control

                    And many more have bought a tombstone with a knife. Oh no... what will we eat our steak with if they ban all knives.

                    Brings up an interesting question: How important do you have to be before you're assassinated instead of murdered?
                    73 DE W5SSJ


                    • Darren King

                      500+ Posts
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 652

                      Re: Gun Control

                      It is kinda funny how some people think the solution to rampant gun violence is more guns. Makes you wonder.


                      • Shadow
                        PHD in Sh!t Disturbing

                        250+ Posts
                        • Sep 2011
                        • 455

                        Re: Gun Control

                        Originally posted by Shadow1
                        I just find it amazing that someone who doesn't live in America would think they know more about my country than I do.
                        Some one out side of your country with limited knowledge should not be making waves in a situation that has no bearing what so ever on their own way of life.
                        $hit Happens - Deal with it and move on.....................................sigpic....................................Lock & Load


                        • Akitu
                          Legendary Frost Spec Tech

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                          Re: Gun Control

                          Originally posted by Shadow
                          Some one out side of your country with limited knowledge should not be making waves in a situation that has no bearing what so ever on their own way of life.
                          I wouldn't say no bearing what so ever necessarily. There's always a trickle down effect.
                          Cthulhu for president! Why settle for the lesser evil?


                          • Shadow1
                            Service Manager

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                            • Sep 2008
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                            Re: Gun Control

                            Still takes some of the fun out of it - He's too easy of a target.
                            73 DE W5SSJ


                            • Tonerbomb
                              AutoMajical Resolutionist

                              Site Contributor
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                              Re: Gun Control

                              Originally posted by Akitu
                              Pretty funny I have to admit. Potentially just sheer coincidence but an interesting fact none the less. With only 2 majour parties in the US it's reasonable to assume a 50-50 chance of being either Dem or Lib. Granted those aren't quite the figures if you include fringe parties etc...
                              Sorry Akitu there is no blurry line between Dem and Lib, They are one in the same...wolf in sheeps clothing....

                              PS. good thing that I have an Ausie shepard to keep them out of the herd.
                              Mystic Crystal Revelations


                              • HenryT2
                                Senior Tech

                                500+ Posts
                                • Apr 2010
                                • 962

                                Re: Gun Control

                                rebuilt bike.jpg

                                HEY !!!
                                If you're gonna ride .....
                                you may as well ride in style ...
                                "The Serenity Prayer" . . .
                                God grant me the serenity to accept stupid people , the courage to not waste my time and energy on them , and the wisdom to know that I cannot fix STUPID .

