Gun Control

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  • SalesServiceGuy
    Field Supervisor

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    Re: Gun Control

    Some more facts:

    How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown? 3,005

    Gun-death tally: Every American gun death since Newtown Sandy Hook shooting (INTERACTIVE). - Slate Magazine


    • HenryT2
      Senior Tech

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      Re: Gun Control

      Originally posted by Tonerbomb
      Maybe the US gov should look at it's self to crack down on gun trafficing.....Can you say Fast and Furious?? Eric Holder and Oblama just want to cut down on the competition.......
      Did you notice how he misspelled Obama ?

      OBLAMA = Oh Blame A ... A WHAT ? ... A REPUBLICAN ?

      Wait ... maybe he did not misspell that word after all..........
      Good One There T B ....
      "The Serenity Prayer" . . .
      God grant me the serenity to accept stupid people , the courage to not waste my time and energy on them , and the wisdom to know that I cannot fix STUPID .


      • MR Bill
        Senior Tech

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        Re: Gun Control

        Well I have to admit there servicesaleguy. You are really starting to piss people off here.

        We get it.

        Amercans are FAT, Amercans are trigger happy , low IQ's . Plenty more if you think about it.

        I'll tell you something. Yes we have guns in this country and some people get killed. But you up in Canada can say thank you for YOUR country being free. If the U.S. was not here. Lets just say it's a ocean where the bourder is then you folks up north would be speaking russian or something. 20 million people in your country. How big of a military do you have. Think it's big enough to go to war with Russia? Most of the folks in Canada live within 20 miles of the U.S. boarder. Look at the food on your dinner table. If it wasn't for the U.S. then you would be starving .

        Go ahead and insult us some more.


        • SalesServiceGuy
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          Re: Gun Control

          Thanks "fixthecopier for" that previous post.

          In essence, it states that there are no wrong or right answers to gun control in the USA. There are always answers/ counter answers.

          For example, this article

          10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down | Mother Jones

          somewhat disputes what your article says.

          This makes me question the bias of both the editor you propose and the editor I counter with. Are they both pandering to lobby groups who might fund them money. There are a lot of dollars at stake.

          It is a very complicated subject that I have been following daily for months.

          For example, today CNN reported, although after trying hard to to find the link, I cannot find the link, that employment in the gun ammo industry has spiked due to shortages in hardware and ammo. This run on demand has created increased employment in northeastern states that have seen heavy industry leave them. Albeit these jobs are not permanent as employers do not know how long the current boom in manufacturing will last but politicians cannot refuse to ignore come next election cycle.
          Last edited by SalesServiceGuy; 03-26-2013, 05:07 AM.


          • Shadow1
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            Re: Gun Control

            The Communist News Network? The most liberal and leftist news outlet in the US? Self-admittedly biased, and stocked with liberals 10 to 1? And you really think you're getting even part of the real story? You're dumber than I though.

            The shortage in ammo is partially caused by DHS buying up ammo by the ton... and just what do you think they need all that for?

            I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but when the department of our government charged with security within our borders begins buying more ammo than the army, etc. who are charged with securing the country as a whole, you gotta wonder what they're preparing for. Hence the other cause of the shortages: the conspiracy theorists stocking up.
            73 DE W5SSJ


            • SalesServiceGuy
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              Re: Gun Control

              Fox News Network video interviewed a US Republican senator last night who challenged the Dept of Homeland Security's recent large purchase of ammo. I apologize, I can no longer find the link.

              In summary,

              1) It is not actually a purchase of ammo. It is a Gov't RFQ offer to purchase that much ammo to establish a significant discount.
              2).The Dept of Homeland Security projects that its actual purchases of ammo will be less than previous years and has been consistent with many years levels of actual purchases.

              At the end of the video clip, the Republican senator expressed satisfaction with the answers.
              Last edited by SalesServiceGuy; 03-26-2013, 02:57 PM.


              • Darren King

                500+ Posts
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                Re: Gun Control

                Originally posted by MR Bill
                Well I have to admit there servicesaleguy. You are really starting to piss people off here.

                We get it.

                Amercans are FAT, Amercans are trigger happy , low IQ's . Plenty more if you think about it.

                I'll tell you something. Yes we have guns in this country and some people get killed. But you up in Canada can say thank you for YOUR country being free. If the U.S. was not here. Lets just say it's a ocean where the bourder is then you folks up north would be speaking russian or something. 20 million people in your country. How big of a military do you have. Think it's big enough to go to war with Russia? Most of the folks in Canada live within 20 miles of the U.S. boarder. Look at the food on your dinner table. If it wasn't for the U.S. then you would be starving .

                Go ahead and insult us some more.
                Kinda full of yourself aren't you.
                I am not trying to insult anyone here, but, your country pokes its finger in everybody elses pie, death squads in South America, installing dictators, training terrorists. It is a little scary being beside you. lol


                • SalesServiceGuy
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                  Re: Gun Control

                  I found that link about DHS stock piling ammo.

                  Local law enforcement face ammo shortage as gun owners, DHS stock up | Fox News

                  A Republican senator, Tom Coburn, from Oklahoma investigated and seemed OK with the answers.


                  • HenryT2
                    Senior Tech

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                    Re: Gun Control

                    Originally Posted by SalesServiceGuy
                    I googled "highest us obesity rate" and got multiple hits, all of which seem to point towards Mississippi as the most obese state in the USA.

                    Originally posted by MR Bill
                    Well I have to admit there servicesaleguy. You are really starting to piss people off here.

                    We get it.

                    Amercans are FAT, Amercans are trigger happy , low IQ's . Plenty more if you think about it.

                    I'll tell you something. Yes we have guns in this country and some people get killed.

                    Go ahead and insult us some more.
                    I don't know why he is so adamant about all of US ( especially here in Mississippi { or " Land Mass " as the media so fondly refers to our state } being so FAT ....

                    Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                    I understand that some people live in a world filled with crime filled paranoia that motivates them to purchase firearms for personal safety. That is their right and no one is trying to take that right away.

                    For example, Mississippi, has the 4th highest annual firearms death rates per 100,000 in the USA at 16.8. and the 8th highest % of households that own a gun at around 53%. The National average is around 45%.
                    Maybe we just look fat 'cause we carry more weapons ( some of us do this for self-defense ) than anyone else in the whole United States.

                    I doubt that he has actually been to the Great and Beautiful state of Mississippi ....
                    He has probably only asked Mr. Google about us .....

                    Mr. Sales & Service Guy ; Just remember that a lot of us do not live in ' YOUR EUPHORIC LAND ' ... so , we try to do the best we can ; and ; some of us are proud of what we have accomplished .
                    "The Serenity Prayer" . . .
                    God grant me the serenity to accept stupid people , the courage to not waste my time and energy on them , and the wisdom to know that I cannot fix STUPID .


                    • SalesServiceGuy
                      Field Supervisor

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                      Re: Gun Control

                      I mostly travel to Florida, Arizona or California on business or vacations.

                      I seem to get most of my threatening posts from Mississippi so consider it a polite push back.


                      • SalesServiceGuy
                        Field Supervisor

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                        Re: Gun Control

                        Conn. senators demand NRA 'cease and desist' making robo-calls to Newtown residents

                        'Put yourself in the shoes of a victim's family member,' senators say

                        Three months after a warped man armed with a Bushmaster rifle slaughtered 20 first graders and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the powerful lobbying group has been bombarding the heartbroken Newtown with robo-calls urging residents to oppose proposed gun control measures.

                        The National Rifle Association has also been sending out postcards — and in some cases actually calling Newtown residents — and telling them to urge their local legislators to vote no on “dangerous anti-gun legislation.”

                        Connecticut’s outraged senators, Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal, demanded that the NRA “cease and desist” said the gun group “stooped to a new low.”

                        “Put yourself in the shoes of a victim’s family member who gets calls at dinnertime asking them to support more assault weapons in our school and on our streets,” the senators wrote in a letter to NRA chief Wayne LaPierre.

                        “In a community that’s still very much in crisis, to be making these calls opens a wound that these families are still trying hard to heal.”


                        • fixthecopier
                          ALIEN OVERLORD

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                          Re: Gun Control

                          The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


                          • Shadow1
                            Service Manager

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                            Re: Gun Control

                            Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                            <snip> I apologize, I can no longer find the link.

                            In summary,

                            1) It is not actually a purchase of ammo. It is a Gov't RFQ offer to purchase that much ammo to establish a significant discount.
                            2).The Dept of Homeland Security projects that its actual purchases of ammo will be less than previous years and has been consistent with many years levels of actual purchases.
                            Can no longer find the link is a good sign either somebody was asking questions somebody else doesn't want answered, or that it was pulled for inaccuracy. You decide... but remember, big brother is watching.

                            Also, you need to understand our government - they are not allowed to meddle in the free market, and requesting bids on a purchase that massive with no intent to follow through would certainly be considered meddling... not that it's never happened before, just that it points to a nefarious agenda, hence the conspiracy theorists buying up ammo...

                            Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                            I seem to get most of my threatening posts from Mississippi so consider it a polite push back.
                            Likely because we recognize BS here and insist that it be used strictly for gardening. If "The Hospitality State" is being inhospitable to you it's time for a sniff test to see if your Right Guard has left.
                            Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                            Three months after a warped man armed with a Bushmaster rifle slaughtered...
                            Let's stop right there - It's already well document that the Bushmaster was found in his trunk and WAS NOT used in the shooting. Why does the media keep repeating a rather large piece of known misinformation? Could it be they have an agenda???

                            Aside from that I object to all forms of RoboCalls regardless of content - telephone spam. The NRA should be on the ground there with licensed psychologists offering grief counseling, as well as gun safety and hunter safety courses, and self defense classes. (gun, knife, hand to hand... all of the above)

                            Originally posted by fixthecopier
                            <Felon Gun Rights>
                            I think we all agree Violent criminals should never be allowed to own a firearm, but a felony does not necessarily mean violence. Yes there are idiot judges who would give convicted murders and rapists guns, but the active word there is "idiot."

                            Surely there's not too many felons I'd want owning a gun, but the kid convicted of playing "mailbox baseball" should be able to go hunting with his grandchildren some day.

                            Common sense must prevail, unfortunately that's become so rare people with even a little sense are in the same category as "able to leap tall buildings in a single bound..."
                            73 DE W5SSJ


                            • Iowatech
                              Not a service manager

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                              Re: Gun Control

                              Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                              Conn. senators demand NRA 'cease and desist' making robo-calls to Newtown residents

                              'Put yourself in the shoes of a victim's family member,' senators say
                              Huh, I have an answering machine that deals with robo-calls that annoy or trouble me. They aren't that expensive, and the digital ones are really reliable, too. So that's obviously feigned outrage, and you fell for it.


                              • DWise
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                                Re: Gun Control

                                Do for one what you wished you could do for everyone. - Andy Stanley

