Gun Control

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  • SalesServiceGuy
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    • Dec 2009
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    Re: Gun Control

    Colorado governor John Hickenlooper signs new gun control legislation

    New legislation makes background checks mandatory for private and online gun sales and bans sale of large magazine rounds

    "...and ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 15 rounds."

    Colorado governor John Hickenlooper signs new gun control legislation | World news |

    Hickenlooper said large-capacity magazines "have the potential to turn killers into killing machines." He also said he realized some gun owners may be inconvenienced but that "the potential for damage seems to outweigh, significantly, the inconvenience that people would have," he said.

    Hickenlooper also signed requiring buyers to pay fees for background checks.... $10.00 .


    • SalesServiceGuy
      Field Supervisor

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      Re: Gun Control

      Winning a crackdown on gun traffickers may be the best that President Barack Obama can get in his faltering efforts to have Congress pass gun control legislation.

      Lawmakers are scaling back the White House's ambitions for sweeping gun control measures after a planned ban on assault weapons was effectively ruled out in the Senate this week.

      Two senators involved in the gun debate said on Wednesday that a bill to tackle trafficking looks like it is the gun control measure with the most chance of success.

      Trafficking crackdown may be Obama's best chance on gun control

      "Those will pass," Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Reuters. "Trafficking firearms is a serious problem," he said.

      A push to impose a limit of 10 bullets on high-capacity ammunition clips is also likely to die in the Senate through lack of support from both Republicans who traditionally oppose gun control and pro-gun Democrats, some of whom fear being targeted by a National Rifle Association lobbying campaign.


      • Tonerbomb
        AutoMajical Resolutionist

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        Re: Gun Control

        Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
        Winning a crackdown on gun traffickers may be the best that President Barack Obama can get in his faltering efforts to have Congress pass gun control legislation.

        Lawmakers are scaling back the White House's ambitions for sweeping gun control measures after a planned ban on assault weapons was effectively ruled out in the Senate this week.

        Two senators involved in the gun debate said on Wednesday that a bill to tackle trafficking looks like it is the gun control measure with the most chance of success.

        Trafficking crackdown may be Obama's best chance on gun control

        "Those will pass," Grassley, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Reuters. "Trafficking firearms is a serious problem," he said.

        A push to impose a limit of 10 bullets on high-capacity ammunition clips is also likely to die in the Senate through lack of support from both Republicans who traditionally oppose gun control and pro-gun Democrats, some of whom fear being targeted by a National Rifle Association lobbying campaign.
        Maybe the US gov should look at it's self to crack down on gun trafficing.....Can you say Fast and Furious?? Eric Holder and Oblama just want to cut down on the competition.......
        Mystic Crystal Revelations


        • Jimbo1
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          Re: Gun Control

          Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
          "Since Dec 1980, when John Lennon was shot to death outside his New York apartment, 1,057,000 American citizens have been murdered with firearms!"

          Yoko Ono?

          Ok......I'm sorry.......

          Yoko Ono?
          RIP John Lennon and I feel for her there but she is one of the last people on this planet whose advice I really want on anything.
          "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

          Cdr. William Riker


          • Jimbo1
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            Re: Gun Control

            Originally posted by Darren King
            It is kinda funny how some people think the solution to rampant gun violence is more guns. Makes you wonder.
            Have you any idea how rampant gun sales are just simply because the govt. wants to limit them?
            If they want less of them they need to shut up about it. Because people know they have the right to own them and if they feel threatened....whther you think they should feel that way or not....they will try and defend themselves.
            "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

            Cdr. William Riker


            • SalesServiceGuy
              Field Supervisor

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              • Dec 2009
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              Re: Gun Control

              I would agree that I do not loose too much sleep over what Yoko Ono says.

              She must have got that stat of 1,057,000 US citizens dying from gun violence in the USA since 1980 from somewhere.

              That is more than the equivalent of every current citizen of Boston and Tulsa.

              Top 50 Cities in the U.S. by Population and Rank |

              Yoko Ono has 3.7 million followers on Twitter.


              • Jimbo1
                Senior Tech

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                • Mar 2008
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                Re: Gun Control

                Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                I would agree that I do not loose too much sleep over what Yoko Ono says.

                She must have got that stat of 1,057,000 US citizens dying from gun violence in the USA since 1980 from somewhere.

                That is more than the equivalent of every current citizen of Boston and Tulsa.

                Top 50 Cities in the U.S. by Population and Rank |

                Yoko Ono has 3.7 million followers on Twitter.
                Yes lot's of Professional Wrestlers have that many followers there too. Who cares?
                And who knows if that number exists in realty?
                I can tell you if you watch the mainstream news you will think there are high noon gunfights all over the country.

                It's male bovine fecal matter. Most of the press have their head so far up the President's posterior it would snap their necks if he turned the corner quickly.
                "Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you."

                Cdr. William Riker


                • Shadow1
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                  Re: Gun Control

                  Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                  I would agree that I do not loose too much sleep over what Yoko Ono says.
                  Apparently you don't lose much sleep over what anybody says, you just keep on blathering like an idiot - Example: From the article regarding a study by American Green Berets stating that swapping magazines in a handgun or assault rifle takes approximately 6 seconds for the unskilled - less with practice - and that nearly all the mass shootings were conducted with low capacity magazines and plenty of spares to swap out.

                  Yes the Colorado shooter stole an AR15 - it has been confirmed (though not widely reported in the liberal media) that it WAS NOT used in the shooting. In fact, approx 30% more people are killed each year with hammers than rifles of any type - this includes single shot squirrel guns and deer rifles which hold no more than 5 rounds - weapons which FAR outnumber "assault rifles"

                  Now once and for all, DIRECTLY answer the question: How does limiting the rights of honest gun owners do anything to prevent the violence of criminals?

                  If you can't do that, shut the hell up and concentrate on the problems in your own country - you know nothing about the American gun culture.
                  73 DE W5SSJ


                  • Shadow
                    PHD in Sh!t Disturbing

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                    Re: Gun Control

                    $hit Happens - Deal with it and move on.....................................sigpic....................................Lock & Load


                    • rh112

                      50+ Posts
                      • Dec 2007
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                      Re: Gun Control

                      Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                      I would agree that I do not loose too much sleep over what Yoko Ono says.

                      She must have got that stat of 1,057,000 US citizens dying from gun violence in the USA since 1980 from somewhere.

                      That is more than the equivalent of every current citizen of Boston and Tulsa.

                      Top 50 Cities in the U.S. by Population and Rank |

                      Yoko Ono has 3.7 million followers on Twitter.
                      SalesSerivceGuy since she got that stats from somewhere

                      Appearing on MSNBC Thursday, Rep. Charlie Rangelassault weapons," citing numbers that fall far short of the numbers reported by the FBI, The Blaze reported,

                      According to FBI crime statistics, 12,664 murders were committed in 2011, a tiny fraction of the "millions" cited by Rangel. Of those murders, 8583 involved firearms and rifles were used in 323

                      "Using the 2011 total gun-related murder rate, it would take more than 116 years for one million people to be killed by a firearm. Additionally, it would take more than 2,793 years for one million people to be killed with rifles, or what Rangel calls 'assault weapons,' according to the 2010 FBI data," Howerton explained.


                      • rh112

                        50+ Posts
                        • Dec 2007
                        • 51

                        Re: Gun Control

                        Listened to Neal Boortz for many years on the radio he often said don't believe anything I say until you have researched it for yourself

                        Of course everyone knows anything you hear on radio see on TV or read on internet is true as long as it fits your argument
                        Last edited by rh112; 03-24-2013, 02:30 AM.


                        • SalesServiceGuy
                          Field Supervisor

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                          Re: Gun Control

                          I remember reading the stats prove that it is much more likely for bad things to happen to good people who own guns via those same guns than if there were no guns in the household at all.

                          I find the number quoted by Yoko Ono hard to believe as well but it would be at least somewhere in the range of 12k gun fatalities per year x 32 years = 384,000 people = Tulsa or Jackson/Gulfport.
                          Last edited by SalesServiceGuy; 03-24-2013, 01:31 AM.


                          • Shadow1
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                            Re: Gun Control

                            Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                            I remember reading the stats prove that it is much more likely for bad things to happen to good people who own guns via those same guns than if there were no guns in the household at all.
                            And people die of food poisoning knowing full well the consequences of not preparing things properly, and yet they do it anyway. Whole families have been killed thanks to one person not washing a cutting board properly after cutting up a chicken, etc. The odds are greater of that than being shot with your own gun, yet we are not talking about banning chicken.

                            Now I challenge you again, DIRECTLY answer the question: How does limiting the rights of honest gun owners do anything to prevent the violence of criminals?
                            73 DE W5SSJ


                            • SalesServiceGuy
                              Field Supervisor

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                              Re: Gun Control

                              I answered in the previous post. If you want to own a weapon that is your right. No one is trying to take your guns away.


                              • SalesServiceGuy
                                Field Supervisor

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                                • Dec 2009
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                                Re: Gun Control

                                Fueling the Golden State's gun-control debate, a new statewide poll says a wide margin of California voters favor beefing up what already are among the country's toughest gun laws.
                                They back tighter controls and taxes on ammunition sales and outright bans on more weapons, according to the new Field Poll, and strongly reject training teachers to carry concealed weapons at schools.
                                In record numbers, California voters now say it's more important to put new controls on gun ownership than to protect Americans' rights to own guns, the poll says.

                                Field Poll: California voters favor gun controls over protecting Second Amendment rights - San Jose Mercury News

